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  • Writer's pictureDaryle Calder


Updated: Apr 28

It’s a myth that we’re looking for the fountain of youth.

What we are looking for as we get older is the ability to rebound from injury and illness, and to really thrive into old age.

Aging doesn’t have to be something that instills worry; instead, it should or could be about embracing this next chapter of life.


So, why does our body age?

The fundamental cause of all degenerative disease is a condition called hypoxia, lack of oxygen at cellular level. Aging is the slow onset of degenerative disease within our bodies, which starts in areas that have an absence of oxygen (hypoxia) due to damaged cells. Our bodies are made up of cells, which constantly replicate, replacing old and damaged cells where needed.

When this replication occurs within the cell, the “telomeres” or protective caps on our DNA become shorter. When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide; it becomes inactive, or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. On the other end of the equation, increasing the telomere length has been show to increasing one life span.

We can slow down this degenerative process by simply supplying the body or cells with more oxygen. Oxygen is the second largest component of the Earth’s atmosphere, and an essential element for human survival. Our cells require a healthy oxygen supply to repair and generate energy to meet the needs of all functions in the body.

Therefore, it is a reasonable evaluation that…


Sufficient Oxygen = Cellular Regeneration = Health & Vitality of Cells = Health & Longevity.


Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is used to provide patients with between 95% to 100% pure oxygen in a pressurised environment (hyperbaric Chamber). In doing so, Oxygen is no longer carried through the body on Red Blood Cells, the oxygen is dissolved into the plasma of the blood, therefore, life giving oxygen can travel to the extremities of the body and even into the bone structure.

This oxygen saturation improves tissue hypoxia (lack of oxygen), reducing tissue oedema (fluid retention), promotes wound healing, whether that wound is on the skin or in an organ of the body like the brain, it accelerates the discharge of carbon monoxide/nitrogen or other toxic substances, and enhancing the bactericidal ability of white blood cells. It reduces the viral and bacteria load within the body, promotes angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and can promote the synthesis of collagen (reducing the appearance of aging related wrinkles), improves cognitive function and mental clarity and thickens hair, and

lots lots more. Essentially creating an oxygen rich system within the body allows for regeneration and reversing disease and the aging process.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Reverses the Aging Process

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been shown in medical trials to increase telomere length, and decrease the progressive decline in immune function: In a trial of thirty-five subjects ( 64 years old) there was a 20% increase in the “telomere length” found after 60 sessions of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This was also associated with a significant decrease in lymphocyte senescent cells (large -scale metabolic, mitochondria, autophagy and mitophagy dysfunction).

How does HBOT promote anti-aging?

  • Lengthens telomeres up to 20%. This means HBOT reverses aging.

  • Reduces excessive skin damage from ultraviolet radiation.

  • Promotes collagen production and maintains skin elasticity.

  • Improves wound healing and reduces scar formation.

  • Oxygen is an important component in skin rejuvenation, treatment of photoaging skin, and improvement in skin complexions.

  • It can offer protection from future ultraviolet exposure.

  • The results from years of studies are clear: HBOT is an important component in fighting aging. It not only treats current signs of aging and prevents future aging but can even reverse aging. As more researchers work to replicate these results and experiment with more patients, we will learn even more, and continue to fight aging-related ailments and pain.


A breakthrough study from Tel Aviv University confirmed that a 90-day course of HBOT significantly affected the aging process at the cellular level. The lead researcher noted, “Until now, interventions such as lifestyle modifications and intense exercise were shown to have some inhibiting effect on telomere shortening, but in our study, only three months of HBOT were able to elongate telomeres at rates far beyond any currently available interventions or lifestyle modifications.”

Related Studies

Staff, Cancer Research. “How Cells and Tissues Grow.” Cancer Research UK, Cancer Research UK, 1 July 2020,

Shammas, Masood A. “Telomeres, Lifestyle, Cancer, and Aging.” Current Opinion in Clinical

Nutrition and Metabolic Care, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan.

Staff, Mayo Clinic. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical

Staff, IHAUSA. “Anti Aging.” International Hyperbarics Association, International Hyperbarics

Association, 2020,

Asadamongkol, Bralipisut, and John H Zhang. “The Development of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation and Treatment of Photoaging.” US National Library of Medicine | National Institutes of Health , BioMed Central Medical Gas Research, 1 Apr.

Fuller, Ashley M, et al. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Preconditioning Protects Skin from UV-A Damage.” PubMed, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 3 Aug. 2012,  


McRae, Mike. “In a First, Scientists Say They’ve Partially Reversed a Cellular Aging Process in Humans.” ScienceAlert, 20 Nov. 2020,

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